Explore Africa

The Best of Africa:

Natures Attractions:

The Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls are situated on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, The falls are part of two national parks, Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe They are one of Southern Africa’s major tourist attractions. They are also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Mt Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro, formerly Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze, is a mountain in northeastern Tanzania. Kilimanjaro is the tallest free-standing mountain rise in the world. Kilimanjaro is a giant stratovolcano reaching an elevation of 19,335.6 ft. (5,895 m). Other names for this volcano are: Kilima Dscharo, Oldoinyo Oibor (white mountain in Masai), and Kilima Njaro meaning shining mountain in Swahili. This volcano’s highest and youngest cone is named Kibo. Shira to the west and Mawenzi in the east are older cones that make up Kilimanjaro. Kibo has not been active in modern times, but steam and sulfur are still emitted. At the top of Kibo’s summit is a 1 1/2 mile (2 1/4 Km) wide crater.

Mt Kenya

Top Adventure Activities

Gorilla Tracking
The mountain gorilla is the rarest of all the apes, and there are only about 600 left in the mountainous region that straddles Uganda, Rwanda and the DRC in East Africa. This is the last fragile environment in which they are able to survive; they have never been reared successfully in captivity and there are none in zoos. There is only one mountain gorilla for every ten million people on earth. Only a few have been habituated for humans to visit, which makes tracking these elusive apes both a privilege and an exhilarating adventure. Be prepared to hike through some rugged country: steep hills, thorny trees and tangled vines. Discovering that you are sitting only five metres from a gorilla in the undergrowth is a spine tingling experience.